Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (2024)

Showing 1 - 20 of 316 jobs

Doctoral Researcher In Converter-Dominated Power Transmission Systems


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (2) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (3) Espoo

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are replacing traditional synchronous generators in many power systems. These inverter-based resources (IBRs) are feeding power to the grid through a power electronic converter. Therefore, future power systems are expected to be converter-dominated in many cases. We are looking for a Doctoral Researcher/ PhD student for a project investigating the stability of converter-dominated power transmission systems. You will assess how the dyn...

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Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (6) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (7) Helsinki

Työtehtävät Toimenkuuvaasi tulee kuulumaan mm: ostolaskujen tiliöinti ja tallennus SAP:iin konsernin sisäisten erien täsmäytys kulujen edelleenveloitus markkinointilaskutus jaksotukset tiettyjen tilien tase-erittelyt muut mahdolliset kirjanpidon tehtävät Edellytykset Odotamme, että sinulla on kokemusta yllämainituista kirjanpitoon liittyvistä tehtävistä sekä ALV lainsäädännön tuntemusta. Olet tarkka sekä luotettava ja sinulla on ryhdikäs ja huolellinen ote työhön. Suomen l...

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Team Manager, Telia Cygate


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (10) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (11) Due date: 04 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (12) Helsinki

Telia Cygate on ICT-alan arvostettu asiantuntijaorganisaatio ja merkittävä osa Teliaa. Menestyksemme ytimessä on vahva tekninen asiantuntijuus sekä laaja ja monipuolinen palvelutarjoama. Rakennamme koko organisaation tuella laadukkaita palveluratkaisuja Suomen suurimmille yrityksille ja julkishallinnon organisaatioille. Meitä on jo noin 600 ja nyt tarvitsemme Sinua vahvistamaan onnistunutta kasvuamme asiakkaidemme luotetuimmaksi IT-kumppaniksi. Seuraava mahdollisuutesi Etsimme nyt Service...

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Tohtorinkoulutuksen Koordinaattori


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Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (16) Espoo

Innostutko oppimista tukevista prosesseista? Nautitko korkeakoulun palveluiden tuottamisesta? Osallistutko mielelläsi yliopistotasoiseen kehittämiseen? Olisitko juuri sinä tarvitsemamme tohtorinkoulutuspalvelujen yhteinen koordinaattori? Haemme tohtorinkoulutuksen koordinaattoria Tohtorinkoulutuspalvelut tukee Aallon tohtoriopiskelijoita ja heidän professoreitaan tohtorinkoulutukseen liittyvissä asioissa sekä toimii kansallisessa ja kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä kehittäen tohtorinkoulutuk...

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Associate Professor or Professor in Health Economics / Tenure track -professorin tai professorin tehtävä, Terveystaloustiede


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (19) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (20) Due date: 24 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (21) Tampere

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. We are inviting applications for the position of professor or associate professor in health economics in the Faculty of Social Sciences . The position is located in the Unit of Health Sciences. Health Sciences...

Business Consultant


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (24) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (25) Helsinki

RELEX is a fast-growing software company developing its own products that help retail companies plan and operate more efficiently. By accurately forecasting consumption of goods, we reduce inventory costs, increase availability and cut waste. One example of this is helping retailers eliminate spoiled food. RELEX is trusted by leading brands including WHSmith, Morrisons,, Coop Denmark and Rossmann, and has offices across North America and Europe. Here at RELEX we work in small teams wher...

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Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (28) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (29) Due date: 03 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (30) Turku

Haluatko työskennellä maailman upeimpien ja edistyksellisimpien risteilyalusten parissa? Tule osaksi yhtä maailman vahvinta laivanrakennustiimiä! Haetaan vesitiiviiden alueiden tiiveystestaajaa laatuosastolle! Mitä tiiveystestaajan tehtäviin kuuluu? Tiiveystestaajana työskentelet osana tiiveystestaustiimiä ja suoritat erilaisten vesitiiviiden rakenteiden testausta vaatimusten mukaan aikataulussa ja ohjeita noudattaen. Työtehtäviisi kuuluu tiiveystestien suorittaminen laivan runkoraken...

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Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor of Game Studies / tenure track -tutkijan, tenure track -professorin tai professorin tehtävä (pelitutkimus)


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (33) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (34) Due date: 09 Aug, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (35) Tampere

T ampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. We are now seeking an assistant professor, associate professor or full professor in the field of Game Studies. Game Studies is a multidisciplinary research field that is focused on the study of games, the act o...

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Senior Backend Software Developer (C# and .Net Core)


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (38) Today

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (39) Helsinki

<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p>RELEX Solutions creates cutting-edge optimization software to help retailers and consumer brands drive profitable growth. With growth comes opportunities, and we embrace both. Our teams are driving change within our platforms, working with international colleagues and the latest tech...

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Support Engineer


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (42) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (43) Due date: 03 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (44) Vaasa

Wärtsilä is an innovativetechnology company known forbeing a forerunner in the Marine and Energy markets. Every day, we – Wärtsilians - put our hearts and minds into turning Wärtsilä's purpose of enabling sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services into reality.Our ultimate aim isto provide increased value to bothour customers and society. New, game-changing ideas and continuous improvement have been part of our DNA since 1834. Together, we can create new business...

Työnsuunnittelija, lohkovarustelu


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (47) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (48) Due date: 02 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (49) Turku

Haluatko työskennellä maailman upeimpien ja edistyksellisimpien risteilyalusten parissa? Tule osaksi yhtä maailman vahvinta laivanrakennustiimiä! Etsimme nyt työnsuunnittelijaa lohkovarusteluun! Mitä työnsuunnittelijan tehtäviin kuuluu? Työnsuunnittelijana vastaat lohkovarustelun työkokonaisuuksien suunnittelusta ja materiaalien jakamisesta työkohtaisiksi keräilypyynnöiksi. Määrität työpaketit ja varmistat materiaalien oikeat vaiheet osaluettelossa. Tehtävässäsi toimit työnjohtaj...

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Technical Team Leader, Machinery


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (52) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (53) Due date: 26 May, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (54) Turku

Haluatko työskennellä maailman upeimpien ja edistyksellisimpien risteilyalusten parissa? Tule osaksi yhtä maailman vahvinta laivanrakennustiimiä! Oletko sinä Koneistosuunnitteluosastomme uusi Technical Team Leader? Mitä tehtäviin kuuluu? Koneistosuunnitteluosaston vastuulla on tuottaa laivan teknisten pääjärjestelmien perussuunnitteluaineisto. Koneistosuunnittelun Technical Team Leaderina vastaat, että laivaprojektin koneistosuunnittelun osa-alueet on suunniteltu niille asetettujen ...

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Senior, Middle Software Engineer C++


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (57) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (58) Due date: 20 Jul, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (59) Espoo

A safer, low-carbon shippingindustry is underpinned by data sharing. We at Wärtsilä Voyage are creating the digital infrastructure needed to enable high-performing maritime logistics– for the safe movement of goods and people.Through our world-leading Smart Marine portfolio, we support our customers in their efforts to ensure secure, highly energy-efficient and cost-effective marine operations. Wärtsilä is on a mission to enable sustainable societies through innovation in technology and ...

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(Senior) Designer, Training Development


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (62) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (63) Due date: 16 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (64) Turku

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future.With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...

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Myynti- / avainasiakkuuspäällikkö


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (67) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (68) Oulu

Tehtäväkuvaus: Roolissa pääset suunnittelemaan markkinointia yhdessä Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Oulun seudun suurimpien yritysten kanssa. Autat asiakkaitasi menestymään tarjoamalla heille uusia ideoita ja toimivampaa mainontaa, joiden rakentamisessa sinulla on tukena yrityksen asiantuntijatiimit. Tarjoat asiakkaille digitaalisia mainosratkaisuja, videoita ja sisältömarkkinointia yrityksen media-alustoille asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaan. Uusasiakashankinta on merkittävä osa rooliasi, mutta myös ol...

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Development Pharmacist


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (71) Yesterday

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (72) Due date: 02 Jun, 2024

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (73) Espoo

Tehtävän kuvaus Haemme farmaseuttista asiantuntijaa tuotantorajapintaan Espooseen. Erityisosaamisalueenasi on tabletti- ja kapselivalmisteet. Vastuullasi on markkinoilla olevien tuotteiden ylläpitoon ja kehittämiseen liittyviä tehtäviä. Toimit farmaseuttisena asiantuntijana muun muassa seuraavissa: Raaka-aineisiin ja tuotteiden valmistusprosesseihin liittyvissä muutoksissa sisältäen muutosten vaikutusten arvioinnin sekä muutoksen suunnittelun, erien valmistuksen seurannan, tulosten arvio...

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Kiinteistötalouden Lehtori


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (76) Posted 2 days ago

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (77) Espoo

Aalto-yliopistossa tiede ja taide kohtaavat tekniikan ja talouden. Rakennamme kestävää tulevaisuutta, innostamme tulevaisuuden muutoksentekijöitä ja luomme ratkaisuja yhteiskuntien suuriin haasteisiin.Yliopistoyhteisöömme kuuluu 12 000 opiskelijaa ja yli 4000 työntekijää, joista 400 on professoreita.Kampuksemme sijaitsee Espoon Otaniemessä.Monimuotoisuus on osa meitä, ja teemme jatkuvaa työtä yhteisömme monimuotoisuuden ja syrjimättömyyden varmistamiseksi. Siksi kannustammekin päteviä hakij...

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Assistant Professor In Marketing


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (80) Posted 3 days ago

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (81) Espoo

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. Our community is made up of 13.000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 500 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland. Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure our community’s inclusiveness. This is why we warmly encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join our community. The Aalto University School of Business is the leading bu...

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Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (84) Posted 3 days ago

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (85) Espoo

Impact of the war in Ukraine on Aalto ...

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Postdoctoral Researcher, Transformative Water Management


Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (88) Posted 3 days ago

Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (89) Espoo

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 13 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 500 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland. Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure ou...

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Search & Find jobs in Finland • Jobs Portal (2024)


Where to search for jobs in Finland? ›

Common job search services in Finland
  • TE-services, in Finnish TE-palvelut, the national vacancy service.
  • Jobs in Helsinki.
  • Careerjet.
  • Work in Finland.
  • Jobsportal.

How to find a job in Finland as a foreigner? ›

How to search for work? Finnish job sites are most often in Finnish, Swedish or English. In general, in Finland, a job is applied for with a job application, which must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, or CV. Send the job application and CV through the website or by email directly to the employer.

How to find an employer in Finland? ›

Follow Finnish companies in the social media. Finnish employers often share job advertisem*nts on LinkedIn, Facebook or X, for example. Look for Finnish companies of your own field online and contact directly the ones that you are interested in. This way, you will also find the hidden jobs that are not advertised.

How to apply for work in Finland? ›

How to Apply for a Finland Work Visa?
  1. Find a job.
  2. Apply for the work permit.
  3. Visit a local Finnish mission.
  4. Wait for an answer.
  5. Go to Finland.

Can an American get a job in Finland? ›

If you wish to work in Finland and stay for longer than 90 days, you will always need a residence permit. In most cases, you will also need a residence permit to work in Finland for less than 90 days. Read more on the website of the Finnish Immigration Service.

What jobs are most in demand in Finland? ›

You should visit the Wage Centre - Shortage Occupations in Finland and look for the skill shortages list. Some of these roles include accountants, technological engineers, kindergarten teachers, general practitioners, speech therapists, programmers, nurses, and electrical engineers in the past.

What job is easy to get in Finland? ›

128 Easy To Get Jobs in Finland (7 new)
  • Clever Construction Engineers and Project Managers - Finland. ...
  • Amazing Project Planners (Construction) - Finland. ...
  • Open application. ...
  • Partner Account Manager. ...
  • Cleaning gigswork. ...
  • Global Head of Commercial - New Verticals. ...
  • Global Head of Commercial - New Verticals. ...
  • People Lead.

Can you find a job in Finland without speaking Finnish? ›

In some workplaces, it is possible to work in English. For example, there are many immigrants working in the cleaning, construction, restaurant and transport sectors who are still learning Finnish. There are also plenty of jobs in IT, industry and international companies where knowing English is enough.

How much is rent in Finland? ›

The rental fee generally ranges from 270 to 520 EUR per month. On the other hand, the rent for a shared apartment in Tampere varies from 195 to 415 EUR per month. In Oulu, the rental fee ranges from 200 to 425 EUR per month. The cost of transportation varies between different cities.

Is it difficult to find a job in Finland? ›

Finding a job in Finland can sometimes be challenging as not all fields of study offer opportunities for employment before graduation. Job applicants may also be required to have Finnish or Swedish language skills.

Who is Finland's largest employer? ›

Largest companies in Finland as of November 2018, by number of employees
CharacteristicNumber of employees
Nokia Oyj101,731
KONE Oyj53,417
Stora Enso Oyj26,206
Helsing ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä22,970
9 more rows
Feb 13, 2024

Can I live in Finland without a visa? ›

You must apply for a first residence permit if you plan to stay in Finland for longer than 90 days. Select the application form on the basis of whether you will work or study in Finland or if you want to move to Finland to live with a member of your family.

Can I move to Finland without a job? ›

If you are self-employed, you can go ahead and apply for a residence permit. However, if your move to Finland is based on employment, then you need to have a job before you can apply for a residence permit. Generally speaking, foreigners must apply for a residence permit at the Finnish embassy in their home countries.

What is the minimum wage in Finland? ›

Finnish law does not specify a minimum wage. Employers' organisations and trade unions have agreed on minimum wages in the collective agreements (työehtosopimus) for various sectors. In most sectors, employers must observe a collective agreement. Collective agreements are often referred to with the abbreviation TES.

How can I migrate to Finland easily? ›

If you have a job offer from an employer in Finland, you need to obtain a work visa. After getting a work visa, you need to apply for a residence permit. The type of residence permit you need to apply for depends on what type of work you will do during your stay in Finland.

Which city in Finland has more job opportunities? ›

The largest number of job vacancies is available in large cities, southern Finland and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. In Finland, the public sector is also a major employer in addition to businesses, and for example, the City of Helsinki is the largest employer in Finland.

What is the job market in Finland? ›

At Job Market Finland, you can find information content and services related to employment.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5617

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.