Top 100 Useful Adjectives To Describe A Person in English • 7ESL (2024)


Adjectives are very important in the world that we live in today, it’s a way we get to describe the things and people around us, even ourselves and you may agree that adjectives can even become quite handy in serious situations. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to find the right adjective in every situation. There’s nothing more embarrassing than to have all eyes on you, waiting for you to describe someone and your mind just goes completely blank and you end up saying the wrong thing that has nothing to do with that person.

But don’t worry because here we are going to share with you the top 100 adjectives to describe a person, from hair to nationality.

Adjectives to Describe a Person

Personality AdjectivesTo Describe A Person

When it comes to describing someone’s personality, keep in mind that you are describing their characteristics as a whole and not their appearance. You are describing who they are as a person and what makes them… them!

1. Wise

Having a lot of knowledge, usually based on experience, common sense, or good judgment.

His wisefather knows how to handle him.

2. Chatty

Being extremely talkative, able to talk about anything for HOURS.

They are uniformly polite, chattyand cheerful with visitors.

3. Hard-Working

Working really hard for long periods of time, not giving up easily.

-> I remember her as a quiet,hard-workingand well-spoken girl.

4. Quiet

Keeping to oneself, not creating any attention towards themselves.

-> He has a cheerful butquietcharacter.

5. Mean

Being unkind and unpleasant to others.

-> That was ameanand dirty thing to do!

6. Friendly

Being kind and pleasant to others.

-> I think she’s veryfriendly.

7. Generous

Doing things for others without much thought, such as sharing.

-> He is verygenerous— he often buys things for other people.

8. Funny

Making everyone around them laugh without much effort, having a great sense of humour.

-> He’s sofunnyhe always makes me laugh.

9. Clever

Being very intelligent and having the ability to learn faster than average.

-> He is notclever, but at all events, he works well.

10. Easy-Going

Being very relaxed and being able to tolerate everything and everyone around them

-> You were always so relaxed andeasy-going. It was one of the things I liked about you.

11. Grumpy

Often being in a bad mood and not having much patience for anything or anyone.

-> She understands why I get tired andgrumpy.

12. Honest

Being open and truthful, never or rarely ever lies.

-> Do you like my dress? Please behonest!

13. Lazy

Never having any energy to do anything, prefers to do nothing most of the time.

-> He’s poor because he’slazy.

14. Moody

Being in an unpredictably bad mood often.

-> He’s somoody– I don’t know why she puts up with him.

15. Popular

Someone who is easy to like, admired by many people.

-> Jeans arepopularamong the young.

16. Loud

Making a lot of noise regardless of the situation, most of the time without realising.

-> The teacher’s voice is veryloud; we can all hear it.

17. Tidy

Always having everything of theirs organised, from objects to their day.

-> I’m atidyperson.

18. Serious

Very mature, never really plays or jokes around.

-> What’s up – why does everyone look soserious?

19. Vain

Being somewhat obsessed with themselves, from looks to abilities.

-> She’s veryvainabout her good looks.

20. Lucky

Often having good things happen to them, with little to no effort.

-> You’reluckyenough to be different, never change.

Style | Adjectives To Describe A Person

In this category, we’re going to focus on the way they present themselves. How they prefer to dress.

1. Comfortable

Wearing clothes that they can easily move around in and do anything with.

-> They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortableto wear.

2. Timeless

Having a style that doesn’t take much time, either everything they own matches or little thought is put into it.

-> Instead, three-piece dressing is all about creating movement in clothing, an essential component oftimelessstyle, according to Gayla Bentley.

3. Trendy

Their styles often change to fit modern trends.

-> He had atrendy haircut, an earring and designer stubble.

4. Figure-Hugging

Their clothes fit them perfectly, showing their figure.

-> She slipped on afigure-huggingblack dress and adorned the outfit with a bold selection of costume jewellery.

5. Professional

They look like they may be attending an important meeting constantly.

-> A lawyer is aprofessionalman.

6. Bold

With their style, they easily stand out from the crowd.

-> He was aboldand defiant little boy.

7. Girly

Often wearing pink clothes, skirts, dresses. Very feminine.

-> Now, just because it may be a little bit of a feminine color doesn’t mean you’re allgirly and whiney.

8. Sexy

Provocative and daring.

-> You look verysexyin that dress.

9. Confident

They may wear things that most people are too scared to try.

-> The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall,confidentman.

10. Unique

Their style is like no one you’ve ever seen before.

-> His style of singing is ratherunique.

11. Simple

Their style doesn’t consist of many different types of clothes or colours.

-> They wearsimpleclothes and shun modern contrivances.

12. Spirited

Their style just represents them perfectly.

-> She’s so spunky andspirited.

13. Gothic

Most of their clothing consists of dark colours and somewhat edgy.

-> This shirt has the Medusa bandito style surrounded by agothicstyle circle.

14. Casual

Usually just a shirt and some jeans for people with a casual style.

-> He was wearingcasualclothes.

15. Well Put Together

Their clothes are always ironed perfectly and each item fits incredibly well with each other.

-> Now, you don’t have to put on a three-piece suit every day, but lookingwell put togetherand carrying yourself with confidence will arouse her vision, which may serve to arouse the rest of her.

16. Classy

Their style makes them look like very important people.

-> They didn’t cost a great deal, but they do look quiteclassyin a boozy sort of way.

17. Cute

Their style is super adorable and somewhat childlike.

-> The baby’s socute.

18. Old-Fashioned

Almost like they’re from a different time.

-> She wears reallyold-fashionedclothes!

19. Chic

This style is a mixture of smart, elegance and sophisticated. But still super modern.

-> I like your haircut – it’s verychic.

20. Edgy

They take their style to the next level, from dark colours to chains and leather jackets.

-> Rahmi walked by at exactly ten-thirty, wearing a pink Lacoste shirt and immaculately pressed tan trousers, lookingedgy.

Nationality/Ethnic Background

Here is a list of words to use when describing someone’s roots. Please keep in mind that it’s crucial to use the words listen below correctly in order to avoid offending anyone.

1. Black

Being part of a race of people with dark skin, often with families who were originally from Africa.

-> Manyblack people emigrated to Britain in the 1950s.

2. Caucasian

A person who is white of colour, often from Europe, North America and Australia.

-> The chief suspect for the robbery is aCaucasianmale.

3. Coloured

Someone who has different types of races in their family.

-> Manycoloured people live in the slum near Main Street.

4. Dual Heritage

Having parents with different nationalities/ethnicity.

-> He was a young, good-looking kid, a Dual Heritage with nervous eyes and gentle moves.

5. Full-Blooded

Having parents who have the exact same nationality/ethnicity.

-> Her father is afull-bloodedCherokee.

6. Multiracial

Where an individual’s family consists of many different races.

-> These groups initially were Latino or black; increasingly, though, they aremultiracial.

7. Of Colour

For anyone who is not white.

-> I’m the only personof colourin my class.

8. Asian

Being from Asia or having a family who were originally from Asia.

-> Dr Amid was assisted by a youngAsiannurse.

9. Diverse

Having many different nationalities/ethnicity’s in their family.

-> New York is a very culturally/ethnicallydiversecity.

10. Native

Being associated with the place you were born, regardless you live there or not.

-> She returned to live and work in hernativeJapan.

11. European

Being from any country located in Europe.

-> Europeanleaders watched events unfold with increasing alarm.

12. Common

Someone who has a nationality or ethnicity that is very common in the area you live in.

-> Jackson is acommonEnglish name.

13. Ambiguous

Being mixed and/or unclear with their nationality/ethnicity.

-> Where Tudor is economical, organic and disciplined, Stevenson is fussy, distracted andambiguous.

14. Minority

Being part of a group that is considered a minority to society.

-> People from theseminoritygroups must have equality of opportunity.

15. Hispanic

Being related to countries involving Spanish culture and Spanish and/or Portuguese language.

-> The candidate said that he understood the heartbeat of theHispaniccommunity in California.

16. Latin

Being related to countries in Latin America.

-> Thousands of English words derive fromLatin.

17. Religious

Someone who believes or relates to religion.

-> All members of thereligiouscommunity keep these fasts.

18. Atheist

People who aren’t religious and/or don’t believe in religion.

-> She was anatheistbut now she says she’s seen the light.

19. American

Being from the United States of America.

-> OurAmericanfriends are touring Europe.

20. Immigrant

Living in a country where you weren’t born in.

-> The company was fined for the exploitation of itsimmigrantworkers.

Physical Appearance

When it comes to physical appearance, you are simply just describing what you see. Their hair, height, shape.

1. Tall

Someone who’s height exceeds the average.

-> She is astallas her mother.

2. Short

Someone who’s height is below average.

-> He is a tall man but his wife is ashortwoman.

3. Skinny

Someone who’s weight is below average.

-> You should eat more, you’re much tooskinny.

4. Slim

Someone who’s weight is considered average and healthy.

-> You’re lookingslim. Have you lost weight?

5. Overweight

Someone who’s weight is considered over the healthy recommendation.

-> He was short andoverweightand generally fairly unattractive.

6. Bald

Someone who has no hair whatsoever, either by choice or genes or life experiences.

-> Brian’sbaldhead glistened in the blazing sun.

7. Straight Hair

Someone with perfectly straight hair, often very thin.

-> She was a plain girl, withstraight hairand thin limbs and a mathematical turn of mind.

8. Wavy Hair

Someone with some shape in their hair, almost curly but not quite.

-> Hiswavy hairwas too long and flopped just beneath his brow.

9. Curly Hair

Someone with curly hair, their curls often take up an oval shape.

-> If you have longcurly hair, don’t shave it off.

10. Kinky Hair

Someone with extremely curly hair often takes up the shape of an Afro.

-> She had blackkinky hairthat she experimented with a lot.

11. Thick

This word is often used to describe someone who has a lot of hair, most often dark. But nowadays it has also become a popular term for people who has some curves in their body.

-> Herthick, black hair shone with lustre.

12. Thin

This word is also often used to describe someone who may not have a lot of hair, but once again it is also now commonly used to describe someone who is skinny.

-> She’s tall andthinwith light brown hair.

13. Hourglass

Someone who’s waist goes inwards and is smaller than the top and bottom of their body, creating an hourglass shape.

-> Strong core muscles are important for good posture, a healthy back and the femininehourglassshape.

14. Baby-Faced

Someone who still remains with some of their baby-like features, such as big eyes and small face.

-> I looked up to see a cute,baby-facedboy, his pale blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smiling at me in a friendly way.

15. Dimpled

Someone who has a dent on each side of their cheek, often noticeable when they smile.

-> Herdimpledcheeks accentuated her smile.

16. Fresh-Faced

Someone who looks ready for the day and perhaps even have a natural glow.

-> Afresh-facedyoung girl burbled out her news.

17. Full-Faced

Someone who appears to have a chubby face, especially on the cheek area.

-> Her giant picture shows her to be afull-facedwoman with her hair gleaming unnaturally.

18. Inverted Triangle

This word is suitable for both the body shape and the face shape, for when the top of their face/body is significantly larger than the bottom part.

-> His nose is atriangleand his mouth is a rectangle.

19. Oval

This word is also suitable for both the body and the face, where the top and bottom are similar in width but the middle is slightly larger.

-> Herovalface with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long, graceful neck.

20. Shiny

Someone who’s hair just shines perfectly under the light, often a sign of health.

-> He puts grease on his hair to make itshiny.

Characteristics and Traits

This category is quite similar to the first one, however, here you’re not describing their whole personality. You are simply just describing the little thing about their personality.

1. Brave

Someone who just isn’t scared of taking risks.

-> I think you’re verybrave.

2. Stubborn

No matter what, they just never seem to budge on their opinions.

-> He’s astubbornold man.

3. Loyal

You know you can always count on them and they will never let you down.

-> She’s veryloyalto her friends.

4. Gullible

It’s extremely easy to trick them since they tend to believe anything they hear or see.

-> Bill’s sogulliblethat you could sell him anything.

5. Selfish

They don’t like to share and often put their needs before others.

-> I think I’ve been veryselfish. I’ve been mainly concerned with myself.

6. Self-Confident

They are extremely confident about themselves and know their own worth.

-> I eventually became moreself-confidentas a public speaker.

7. Respectful

They have a lot of respect and consideration for those around them.

-> He was veryrespectfulat home and obedient to his parents.

8. Creative

They are extremely imaginative and artful.

-> She’s verycreativeand always coming up with new ideas.

9. Independent

They don’t rely on anyone because they got it all on their own.

-> Although she is young, she is veryindependent.

10. Carefree

They don’t care much about anything that isn’t important, especially the opinions of others.

-> He looked happy andcarefree.

11. Mischievous

They tend to be quite rebellious and often play around a little too much.

-> You’d speak to your little son; he’s too mischievous.

12. Daring

They tend to do what most are too afraid to.

-> He had grown moredaring.

13. Successful

Whatever they try to succeed in, they always somehow always do.

-> I didn’t expect him to become asuccessfulwriter.

14. Cautious

They like to know the outcome before doing anything.

-> He wascautiouswhen he was riding the bicycle.

15. Leader

They’re not afraid to lead others.

-> She’s a bornleader.

16. Bossy

They tend to often tell others what to do continuously, which can become quite annoying at times.

-> She’s terriblybossyand nobody likes her much.

17. Loving

They just have a lot of love and affection to share with everyone.

-> She was a warm andlovingmother.

18. Mysterious

Often keeping to themselves and standing out from those around them.

-> Helen’s being verymysteriousabout her plans.

19. Hopeful

They never give up faith that it will all be okay, very optimistic.

-> I amhopefulthat she will come tomorrow.

20. Curious

They want to learn about and investigate everything that catches their attention.

-> I wascuriousto know what would happen next.

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Top 100 Adjectives to Describe a Person

Top 100 Useful Adjectives To Describe A Person in English • 7ESL (1)

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Related Words to Describe People in English

  • Adjectives List
  • Descriptive Words
  • Words to Describe Someone
  • Descriptive Adjectives
  • Negative Adjectives
  • Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person
  • Adjectives to Describe Yourself
  • Describing Physical Appearance
  • Personality Adjectives
  • Personality Traits
  • The Big Five Personality Traits
  • Character Traits
  • Mood Words
  • List of Emotions
  • Positive Words
  • Positives Adjectives
  • Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
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Top 100 Useful Adjectives To Describe A Person in English • 7ESL (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.