Veterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (2024)

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Veterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (1)





    Jul 30, 2017#1

    My father is a disabled (either 80% or 90%) WWII veteran. He is currently receiving monthly payments labeled (in his bank statements) VACP Treas 310 XXVA Benef and VAINTreas 310 XXVA Insur. Will his wife be entitled to some or all of these payments upon his death?

    If the answer is not clear, how can I research this? What information will I need from him (beyond name, SS number, birthdate). He is not in the best shape and is not able to investigate this himself.

    He would like his disability percentage rating to be increased. Is this a matter for his local VA Medical Center? How do I pursue this?





      Jul 30, 2017#2

      Rhinos wrote:

      My father is a disabled (either 80% or 90%) WWII veteran. He is currently receiving monthly payments labeled (in his bank statements) VACP Treas 310 XXVA Benef and VAINTreas 310 XXVA Insur. Will his wife be entitled to some or all of these payments upon his death?

      If the answer is not clear, how can I research this? What information will I need from him (beyond name, SS number, birthdate). He is not in the best shape and is not able to investigate this himself.

      He would like his disability percentage rating to be increased. Is this a matter for his local VA Medical Center? How do I pursue this?

      Talk to a vso -
      the compensation benefits paid a veteran are his payments , if she is a veteran and receiving compensation then she would be entitled to HER va comp based on HER service & HER disabilities , so no she is not entitled to HIS va comp, she may qualify for DIC ... emnity.asp



      10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (2)



        Jul 30, 2017#3

        You need the help of an accredited Veterans Service Organization (VSO) CLICK HERE for a list of Accredited VSO's.

        edited to add: When your father first received his VA disability rating he was sent what is known as a decision letter, this is normally referred to as the big brown envelope. You may ask him if he received such an envelope and if he has it it may answer a lot of you questions. Regardless, seek the assistance of a VSO, they are cost free to use and work for the Veteran.

        One man’s weed is another man’s wildflower





          Jul 30, 2017#4

          I believe his payments started a long time ago (disability is WWII related) and he does not appear to have "big brown envelope" documentation.

          My mother is not a vet.

          I'll seek out a VSO. Would DAV be a good choice?



          10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (3)



            Jul 30, 2017#5

            Rhinos wrote:

            I believe his payments started a long time ago (disability is WWII related) and he does not appear to have "big brown envelope" documentation.

            My mother is not a vet.

            I'll seek out a VSO. Would DAV be a good choice?

            I don't think it is my place to recommend one accredited VSO over another, I will however say that I used DAV and they worked hard for me, your mileage may vary.

            One man’s weed is another man’s wildflower



            10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (4)



              Jul 30, 2017#6

              VACP could be disability compensation or could be veterans pension - what is the amount?
              Don't recognize VAIN but could be a life insurance dividend paid on WWII insurance.

              USAF RETIRED
              100% P&T
              100% CRSC

              Complete layman - not a VSO and not a VA employee.





                Jul 30, 2017#7

                nickfuhs wrote:

                VACP could be disability compensation or could be veterans pension - what is the amount?
                Don't recognize VAIN but could be a life insurance dividend paid on WWII insurance.

                VACP is $1,542/month. VAIN is $190/month. I haven't been able to find references to VAIN.



                10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (5)



                  Jul 30, 2017#8

                  VAIN is VA Insurance according to the Green book (PDF page 88) at ... mplete.pdf

                  The amount is too high to be a dividend payment as those are paid, as I understand it, once a year. Unless you just happened to see the once a year payment. WWII guys had National Service Insurance ( if he kept it) for a $10,000 face amount and those have been paying dividends for years

                  Try VA insurance toll-free number at 1-800-669-8477 or email [emailprotected] or try

                  Did he ever have a parent living with him? $1542 is the 70% disability compensation rate for a vet with spouse and parent. It could be an 80% rate for vet and spouse with some deduction for something like VA life insurance. See the rate tables at ... comp01.asp

                  His disability compensation dies with him. VA has a monthly widow benefit called DIC if the vet dies of a service connected cause ( direct or contributing) . You need to find out what he is rated for. If/when his time comes, insure the death certificate lists any service connected condition that may have contributed to his death.

                  Get with a VSO to discuss this and other VA benefits. Is he not receiving VA health care, for example? Have his service connected conditions gotten worse and need to be reevaluated for possible increase?

                  You may also want to discuss potential benefits with the geriatric social woker at the VA medical center.

                  USAF RETIRED
                  100% P&T
                  100% CRSC

                  Complete layman - not a VSO and not a VA employee.

                  Veterans Benefits Network-VACP and VAIN survivors benefits? (2024)


                  What are the amount of VA survivor benefits? ›

                  For qualified surviving spouses with at least 1 dependent:

                  The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)/Minimum Income Annuity (MIW) limitation is $11,102. If you have more than 1 child, add $2,831 to your MAPR amount for each additional child. If you have a child who works, you may exclude their wages up to $14,600.

                  How to check on VA survivor benefits? ›

                  How do I check the status of my claim? The Veterans Benefits Administration operates a National Call Center that you may utilize to check on the status of your claim. The NCC may be reached by calling 1-800-827-1000.

                  How much are survivor benefits per month? ›

                  According to the Social Security Administration, the average survivor benefit paid in December 2023 was $1,501.60 per month.

                  How much will the VA pay my wife to be my caregiver? ›

                  Spouses, unfortunately, cannot be paid to provide care, as their income is also considered when calculating a veteran's pension amount. However, other relatives, such as adult children, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren, can be paid to be caregivers.

                  Do spouses of 100% disabled veterans get benefits after death? ›

                  If you're the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness, you may be able to get a tax-free monetary benefit called VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC).

                  How much does the widow of a 100% disabled veteran receive? ›

                  Benefits for the Surviving Spouse of a 100% Disabled Veteran

                  If your spouse dies with a 100% disability rating, you may be entitled to Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). For 2024, the base rate of compensation for a surviving spouse is $1,612.75/month.

                  What is 100% survivor benefit? ›

                  The 100% J&S annuity option is a pension payment method that will pay you an actuarially reduced pension and continue 100% of your reduced monthly benefit to your Spouse after your death.

                  How do I find out how much my survivor benefits will be? ›

                  We base the benefit amount on the earnings of the person who died. The more the worker paid into Social Security, the greater your benefits will be. We use the deceased worker's basic benefit amount to calculate the percentage survivors can get.

                  Do you automatically get survivor benefits? ›

                  If you already receive spousal benefits, the SSA will automatically switch you to survivor benefits upon receiving proof of death. Otherwise, you'll have to apply to begin receiving survivor benefits.

                  How does a caregiver get paid in VA? ›

                  The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) provides a monthly stipend to Primary Family Caregivers of eligible Veterans.

                  Is the VA doing away with the caregiver program? ›

                  Good news for Veterans and caregivers in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC): VA is extending eligibility and applicable benefits for Legacy Participants and Legacy Applicants through Sept. 30, 2025.

                  Is VA caregiver considered income? ›

                  Will my stipend be taxable income? No. the stipend is a VA enhanced service and is not considered taxable income.

                  How much does VA disability pay for widows? ›

                  Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

                  The basic monthly rate of DIC is $1,437.56 for an eligible surviving spouse. The rate is increased for each dependent child, and also if the surviving spouse is housebound or in need of aid and attendance.

                  How much does the VA pay when a veteran dies? ›

                  Eligible survivors are paid automatically upon notification of a Veteran's death, without the need to submit a claim. If the Veteran had a service-related death on or after September 11, 2001, the maximum burial allowance is $2,000.

                  How much is veterans survivors pension? ›

                  Benefit Fact Sheet
                  If you have no dependents and…Your MAPR amount is (in U.S. $):
                  You do not qualify for Housebound or Aid and Attendance benefits$11,102
                  You qualify for Housebound benefits$13,568
                  You qualify for Aid and Attendance benefits$17,743
                  1 more row
                  Dec 12, 2023

                  What is the difference between widow benefits and survivor benefits? ›

                  The short version: Spousal benefits are available to retired workers' spouses or ex-spouses. They pay up to 50% of a worker's monthly retirement or disability benefit. Survivor benefits are paid to a surviving spouse or surviving ex-spouse when a Social Security beneficiary dies.

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                  Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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                  Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

                  Birthday: 1992-06-28

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