DailyMed - TADALAFIL- tadalafil tablet (2024)

12.1 Mechanism of Action

Tadalafil is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), the enzyme responsible for the degradation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Pulmonary arterial hypertension is associated with impaired release of nitric oxide by the vascular endothelium and consequent reduction of cGMP concentrations in the pulmonary vascular smooth muscle. PDE5 is the predominant phosphodiesterase in the pulmonary vasculature. Inhibition of PDE5 by tadalafil increases the concentrations of cGMP resulting in relaxation of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells and vasodilation of the pulmonary vascular bed.
Studies in vitrohave demonstrated that tadalafil is a selective inhibitor of PDE5. PDE5 is found in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle, visceral smooth muscle, corpus cavernosum, skeletal muscle, platelets, kidney, lung, cerebellum, and pancreas.
In vitrostudies have shown that the effect of tadalafil is more potent on PDE5 than on other phosphodiesterases. These studies have shown that tadalafil is >10,000–fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE1, PDE2, PDE4, and PDE7 enzymes, which are found in the heart, brain, blood vessels, liver, leukocytes, skeletal muscle, and other organs. Tadalafil is >10,000–fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE3, an enzyme found in the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, tadalafil is 700–fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE6, which is found in the retina and is responsible for phototransduction. Tadalafil is >9,000-fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE8, PDE9, and PDE10. Tadalafil is 14–fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE11A1 and 40–fold more potent for PDE5 than for PDE11A4, two of the four known forms of PDE11. PDE11 is an enzyme found in human prostate, testes, skeletal muscle and in other tissues. In vitro, tadalafil inhibits human recombinant PDE11A1 and, to a lesser degree, PDE11A4 activities at concentrations within the therapeutic range. The physiological role and clinical consequence of PDE11 inhibition in humans have not been defined.

12.2 Pharmacodynamics

Effects on Blood Pressure When Administered with Nitrates
In clinical pharmacology studies, tadalafil (5 to 20 mg) was shown to potentiate the hypotensive effect of nitrates. Do not use tadalafil in patients taking any form of nitrates [see Contraindications ( 4.1)].
A double–blind, placebo–controlled, crossover study in 150 male subjects at least 40 years of age (including subjects with diabetes mellitus and/or controlled hypertension) assessed the interaction between nitroglycerin and tadalafil. Subjects received daily doses of tadalafil 20 mg or matching placebo for 7 days and then were given a single dose of 0.4 mg sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG) at pre–specified timepoints following their last dose of tadalafil (2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after tadalafil). A significant interaction between tadalafil and NTG was observed at each timepoint up to and including 24 hours. At 48 hours, by most hemodynamic measures, the interaction between tadalafil and NTG was not observed, although a few more tadalafil subjects compared to placebo experienced greater blood–pressure lowering effects at this timepoint. After 48 hours, the interaction was not detectable. [See Contraindications ( 4.1)] .
Effects on Blood Pressure.
The effects of tadalafil on blood pressure alone and administered with antihypertensives, alcohol, and alpha-blockers is shown in Figure 1.

DailyMed - TADALAFIL- tadalafil tablet (1)

aIn some subjects, postural dizziness and orthostatic hypotension were observed. When tadalafil was administered with lower doses of alcohol (0.6 g/kg), hypotension was not observed, and dizziness occurred at a similar frequency to alcohol alone.
bIn studies of tadalafil co-administration with doxazosin, the number of subjects with potentially clinically significant standing blood pressure decreases was greater for the combination. Some patients had symptoms associated with the decrease in blood pressure including syncope.
Figure 1: Effects of Tadalafil on Blood Pressure

Effects on Cardiac Electrophysiology
The effect of a single 100 mg dose of tadalafil (2.5 times the recommended dose) on the QT interval was evaluated at the time of peak tadalafil concentration in a randomized, double–blinded, placebo, and active–controlled (intravenous ibutilide) crossover study in 90 healthy males aged 18 to 53 years. The mean change in QT c(Fridericia QT correction) for tadalafil, relative to placebo, was 3.5 milliseconds (two–sided 90% CI=1.9, 5.1). The mean change in QT c(Individual QT correction) for tadalafil, relative to placebo, was 2.8 milliseconds (two–sided 90% CI=1.2, 4.4). In this study, the mean increase in heart rate associated with a 100 mg dose of tadalafil compared to placebo was 3.1 beats per minute.
Effects on Exercise Stress Testing
The effects of tadalafil on cardiac function, hemodynamics, and exercise tolerance were investigated in a single clinical pharmacology study. In this blinded crossover trial, 23 subjects with stable coronary artery disease and evidence of exercise–induced cardiac ischemia were enrolled. The primary endpoint was time to cardiac ischemia. The mean difference in total exercise time was 3 seconds (tadalafil 10 mg minus placebo), which represented no clinically meaningful difference. Further statistical analysis demonstrated that tadalafil was similar to placebo with respect to time to ischemia. Of note, in this study, in some subjects who received tadalafil followed by sublingual nitroglycerin in the post– exercise period, clinically significant reductions in blood pressure were observed, consistent with the augmentation by tadalafil of the blood–pressure–lowering effects of nitrates.
Effects on Vision
Single oral doses of PDE inhibitors have demonstrated transient dose-related impairment of color discrimination (blue/green), using the Farnsworth–Munsell 100–hue test, with peak effects near the time of peak plasma levels. This finding is consistent with the inhibition of PDE6, which is involved in phototransduction in the retina. In a study to assess the effects of a single dose of tadalafil 40 mg on vision (N=59), no effects were observed on visual acuity, intraocular pressure, or pupillometry. Across all clinical studies with tadalafil, reports of changes in color vision were rare (<0.1% of patients).
Effects on Sperm Characteristics
Three studies were conducted in men to assess the potential effect on sperm characteristics of tadalafil 10 mg (one 6-month study) and 20 mg (one 6-month and one 9-month study) administered daily. There were no adverse effects on sperm morphology or sperm motility in any of the three studies. In the study of 10 mg tadalafil for 6 months and the study of 20 mg tadalafil for 9 months, results showed a decrease in mean sperm concentrations relative to placebo, although these differences were not clinically meaningful. This effect was not seen in the study of 20 mg tadalafil taken for 6 months. In addition there was no adverse effect on mean concentrations of reproductive hormones, testosterone, luteinizing hormone or follicle stimulating hormone with either 10 or 20 mg of tadalafil compared to placebo.
Dose-Response Relationship
Dose-response relationships, between 20 mg and 40 mg, were not observed for 6-minute walk distance or pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in subjects with PAH in the placebo-controlled study. Median change from baseline in 6-minute walk distance was 32 meters and 35 meters at 16 weeks in subjects receiving 20 mg and 40 mg daily, respectively. Mean change from baseline PVR was -254 dynes*sec*cm- 5and -209 dynes*sec*cm- 5at 16 weeks in patients receiving 20 mg and 40 mg daily, respectively.

12.3 Pharmaco*kinetics

Over a dose range of 2.5 to 20 mg, tadalafil exposure (AUC) increases proportionally with dose in healthy subjects. In PAH patients administered between 20 and 40 mg of tadalafil, an approximately 1.5-fold greater AUC was observed indicating a less than proportional increase in exposure over the entire dose range of 2.5 to 40 mg. During tadalafil 20 and 40 mg once daily dosing, steady-state plasma concentrations were attained within 5 days, and exposure was approximately 1.3-fold higher than after a single dose.
Absorption— After single oral-dose administration, the maximum observed plasma concentration (C max) of tadalafil is achieved between 2 and 8 hours (median time of 4 hours). Absolute bioavailability of tadalafil following oral dosing has not been determined.
The rate and extent of absorption of tadalafil are not influenced by food; thus tadalafil may be taken with or without food.
Distribution— The mean apparent volume of distribution following oral administration is approximately 77 L, indicating that tadalafil is distributed into tissues. At therapeutic concentrations, 94% of tadalafil in plasma is bound to proteins.
Metabolism— Tadalafil is predominantly metabolized by CYP3A to a catechol metabolite. The catechol metabolite undergoes extensive methylation and glucuronidation to form the methylcatechol and methylcatechol glucuronide conjugate, respectively. The major circulating metabolite is the methylcatechol glucuronide. Methylcatechol concentrations are less than 10% of glucuronide concentrations. In vitrodata suggests that metabolites are not expected to be pharmacologically active at observed metabolite concentrations.
Elimination— Following 40 mg, the mean oral clearance for tadalafil is 3.4 L/hr and the mean terminal half-life is 15 hours in healthy subjects. In patients with pulmonary hypertension not receiving concomitant bosentan, the mean oral clearance for tadalafil is 1.6 L/hr, and the mean terminal half-life is 35 hours. Tadalafil is excreted predominantly as metabolites, mainly in the feces (approximately 61% of the dose) and to a lesser extent in the urine (approximately 36% of the dose).
Population pharmaco*kinetics— In patients with pulmonary hypertension not receiving concomitant bosentan, the average tadalafil exposure at steady-state following 40 mg was 26% higher when compared to those of healthy volunteers. The results suggest a lower clearance of tadalafil in patients with pulmonary hypertension compared to healthy volunteers.
Geriatric patients
In healthy male elderly subjects (65 years or over) after a 10 mg dose, a lower oral clearance of tadalafil, resulting in 25% higher exposure (AUC) with no effect on C maxwas observed relative to that in healthy subjects 19 to 45 years of age.
Renal impairment
In clinical pharmacology studies using single-dose tadalafil (5 to 10 mg), tadalafil exposure (AUC) doubled in subjects with mild (creatinine clearance 51 to 80 mL/min) or moderate (creatinine clearance 31 to 50 mL/min) renal impairment. In subjects with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis, there was a two-fold increase in C maxand 2.7- to 4.1-fold increase in AUC following single-dose administration of 10 or 20 mg tadalafil, respectively. Exposure to total methylcatechol (unconjugated plus glucuronide) was 2- to 4-fold higher in subjects with renal impairment, compared to those with normal renal function. Hemodialysis (performed between 24 and 30 hours post-dose) contributed negligibly to tadalafil or metabolite elimination [see Dosage and Administration ( 2.2)].
Hepatic impairment
In clinical pharmacology studies, tadalafil exposure (AUC) in subjects with mild or moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class A or B) was comparable to exposure in healthy subjects when a dose of 10 mg was administered. There are no available data for doses higher than 10 mg of tadalafil in patients with hepatic impairment. Insufficient data are available for subjects with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C) [see Dosage and Administration (2.3)].
Patients with diabetes mellitus
In male patients with diabetes mellitus after a 10 mg tadalafil dose, exposure (AUC) was reduced approximately 19% and C maxwas 5% lower than that observed in healthy subjects. No dose adjustment is warranted.
Pharmaco*kinetic studies have included subjects from different ethnic groups, and no differences in the typical exposure to tadalafil have been identified. No dose adjustment is warranted.
In healthy female and male subjects following single and multiple-doses of tadalafil, no clinically relevant differences in exposure (AUC and C max) were observed. No dose adjustment is warranted.
Drug interaction studies
Tadalafil is a substrate of and predominantly metabolized by CYP3A.
Cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors
Ketoconazole increased tadalafil exposure relative to the values for tadalafil alone (Figure 2). Although specific interactions have not been studied, other CYP3A inhibitors, such as erythromycin, itraconazole, and grapefruit juice, would likely increase tadalafil exposure.
Ritonavir increased tadalafil 20–mg single-dose exposure relative to the values for tadalafil alone. Ritonavir inhibits and induces CYP3A, the enzyme involved in the metabolism of tadalafil, in a time-dependent manner. The initial inhibitory effect of ritonavir on CYP3A may be mitigated by a more slowly evolving induction effect so that after about 1 week of ritonavir twice daily, the exposure of tadalafil is similar in the presence of and absence of ritonavir [see Dosage and Administration ( 2.4) and Drug Interactions ( 7.5)] . Although specific interactions have not been studied, other HIV protease inhibitors would likely increase tadalafil exposure.
Cytochrome P450 3A4 inducers
Rifampin (600 mg daily), a CYP3A inducer, reduced tadalafil 10 mg single–dose exposure (AUC) by 88% and C maxby 46%, relative to the values for tadalafil 10 mg alone [see Drug Interactions ( 7.5)] .
Bosentan, a substrate of CYP2C9 and CYP3A and a moderate inducer of CYP3A, CYP2C9 and possibly CYP2C19, reduced tadalafil systemic exposure following multiple-dose co-administration (Figure 2). Although specific interactions have not been studied, other CYP3A inducers, such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, and phenobarbital, would likely decrease tadalafil exposure.
Exposure changes of tadalafil following co-administration with other drugs are shown in Figure 2.

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aRitonavir is also a CYP2C9/CYP2C19/CYP2D6 Inhibitor and CYP3A inducer.
b[see Dosage and Administration (2.4)].
cBosentan is also a CYP2C9/CYP2C19 inducer.
Figure 2: Impact of Other Drugs on the Pharmaco*kinetics of Tadalafil

Cytochrome P450 substrates
Tadalafil is not expected to cause clinically significant inhibition or induction of the clearance of drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms.
Exposure changes of drugs following co-administration with tadalafil are shown in Figure 3.

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aA small augmentation (increase of 3 beats per minute) in heart rate was observed with theophylline.
bTadalafil (40 mg qd) had no clinically significant effect on exposure (AUC and C max) of bosentan metabolites.
c95% CI

Figure 3: Impact of Tadalafil on the Pharmaco*kinetics of Other Drugs

DailyMed - TADALAFIL- tadalafil tablet (2024)


How long does it take for tadalafil daily to work? ›

The differences between sildenafil and Tadalafil Daily, however, are in the onset and duration of their effects. Sildenafil takes about one hour for its effects to kick in and works for up to four hours, while Tadalafil Daily starts working 3-5 days after you start taking it every day and its effects are continuous.

What to avoid when taking tadalafil? ›

Do not drink excessive amounts of alcohol (eg, 5 or more glasses of wine or 5 or more shots of whiskey) when taking tadalafil. When taken in excess, alcohol can increase your chances of getting a headache or dizziness, increase your heart rate, or lower your blood pressure.

What is the strongest tadalafil? ›

If you don't notice any improvements from a 10mg dosage, or don't experience a big enough improvement to have satisfactory sex, your healthcare provider may prescribe a stronger 20mg dosage of tadalafil. The maximum dosage of tadalafil is 20mg, used as needed for sexual intercourse for men with more severe ED.

How many hours does tadalafil last? ›

How does it compare with other medicines that improve erections? Other medicines are usually taken on demand, 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. The alternatives to tadalafil work for up to 4 hours. If you take tadalafil, it can be effective for up to 36 hours.

Is tadalafil stronger than Viagra? ›

While both drugs offer about the same quality of erection, slightly more men achieved a satisfactory erection with sildenafil, according to a study.¹ However, as mentioned above, tadalafil remains in the bloodstream longer and, in the same study, was preferred by more men, probably for that reason.

Does tadalafil make harder? ›

By controlling the enzyme, tadalafil helps to maintain an erection after the penis is stroked by increasing blood flow to the penis. Without physical action to the penis, such as that occurring during sexual intercourse, tadalafil will not work to cause an erection.

Is tadalafil hard on your heart? ›

The incidence rate of presumed thrombotic strokes in tadalafil studies (0.27 per 100 patient-years) is comparable to the expected rate in this patient population. The data presented herein suggest that tadalafil can be safely used by healthy subjects and by patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Is there any downside to taking tadalafil? ›

Tadalafil can cause a serious drop in your blood pressure when used with nitrates, which can lead to dizziness, fainting, and rarely heart attack or stroke.

How can I make tadalafil work better? ›

In general, lifestyle modifications such as staying active, reducing alcohol intake, stopping tobacco use, and reducing psychological stress can all impact erectile function and efficacy of treatment with tadalafil.

Does tadalafil make you bigger? ›

Medications such as sildenafil, tadalafil (Cialis®), and chewable ED meds won't actually make your penis physically bigger. But they can help you get and maintain an erect penis more easily during sex.

Is 20 mg of tadalafil a lot? ›

The typical dose is 10 mg for occasional use and 2.5 or 5 mg for daily use. The typical maximum dose of Cialis for ED is 20 mg once a day. If a doctor has prescribed Cialis for pulmonary arterial hypertension, you may be advised to take two 20-mg doses a day.

Can you double up on tadalafil? ›

Never take 2 doses at the same time. Never take an extra dose to make up for a forgotten one. If you often forget doses, it may help to set an alarm to remind you. You could also ask a pharmacist for advice on other ways to help you remember to take your medicine.

Why can't I stay hard with Cialis? ›

Using them incorrectly — having the wrong dosage or not following instructions — can cause Cialis not to work. Cialis might also fail if your ED is related to psychological issues — performance anxiety, intimacy issues, low self-confidence and depression can all affect your erections.

Can I drink alcohol with tadalafil? ›

However, taking tadalafil (or Cialis 20mg) and alcohol drinking to excess can lead to some serious health complications. Tadalafil and alcohol do not interact directly with each other, but as both are vasodilators, drinking to excess can amplify the drug's side effects.

What medication should not be taken with tadalafil? ›

Do not use this medicine if you are also using riociguat (Adempas®) or a nitrate medicine, often used to treat angina (chest pain). Nitrate medicines include nitroglycerin, isosorbide, Imdur®, Nitro-Bid®, Nitrostat®, Nitro-Dur®, Transderm Nitro®, Nitrol® Ointment, and Nitrolingual® Spray.

How effective is daily tadalafil? ›

Furthermore, following initial success, men taking tadalafil 5 mg had a significantly greater proportion of successful intercourse (SEP3) on subsequent attempts (85.9%, P<0.001) compared to men taking placebo (70.2%). Overall, men with ED taking tadalafil once daily experienced a high rate of reliability of efficacy.

What is the best time of day to take tadalafil daily? ›

For erectile dysfunction, take 1 tablet at least 30 minutes before you want to have sex. If you are taking tadalafil for prostate enlargement, you can take your tablet in the morning or evening, but it's best to take it at the same time each day.

Is it safe to take 20mg of tadalafil daily? ›

You can use Tadalafil Daily tablets with lower doses of 2.5 mg or 5 mg every day. Your doctor can recommend Tadalafil 10 mg or 20 mg to treat ED symptoms. Unlike Tadalafil Daily, Tadalafil 10 and 20 mg tablets are taken when needed. You can use Tadalafil 20 mg at least 30 minutes before sex.

What is the peak hour of tadalafil? ›

52% of patients can have successful sexual intercourse within 30 minutes of taking tadalafil. After 2 hours, the maximum concentration of the drug is in the bloodstream. Tadalafil has a 17.5-hour 'half-life', meaning it takes 17.5 hours for half the drug to have left the blood stream.

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